How to translate GUI-O
The following how-to guide shows how to create GUI-O application translation file for any language. After the translation is complete, we need to include your translation file in the GUI-O application. Translations will be released with the next app update, so everyone can enjoy them!
The following how-to guide shows how to create GUI-O application translation file for any language. After the translation is complete, we need to include your translation file in the GUI-O application. Translations will be released with the next app update, so everyone can enjoy them!
Thank you for helping us localizing GUI-O application! All contributors will be listed here.
Thank you for helping us localizing GUI-O application! All contributors will be listed here.
Request the source translation file
Request the source translation file
Contact us at[at] and request the source translation file(s).
NOTE: The source translation file is in English.
Setup translation tool
Setup translation tool
Download translation tool for Windows
NOTE: For Linux, you can install the tool as a part of the qttools5-dev-tools package (sudo apt install qttools5-dev-tools).
Unpack the archive and run linguist.exe
Translate text
Translate text
Download and follow the translation instructions
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