IMPORTANT NOTE: Web installation is no longer receiving updates since version 1.0.57! Please use Google Play installation instead.
GUI-O application offers two installation options: Google Play and Web installation. Please read the information below carefully, before selecting the best option for your project.
Use up to 6 widgets for free without limits in DEMO version.
Google Play installation
It is recommended to install the GUI-O application directly from Google Play. This will ensure that all application updates are delivered and installed automatically (unless user disables auto-updates). Furthermore, the in-app purchase feature can be used to unlock PRO license in a few simple steps. The PRO license is then tied to the Google account and permanently valid, even if the GUI-O application is reinstalled.
Install from Google Play
Web installation
IMPORTANT NOTE: Web installation is no longer receiving updates since version 1.0.57! Please use Google Play installation instead.
Alternatively, use an internet browser on your device (i.e., Chrome, Firefox, etc.) to download GUI-O application from the links below. In this case, the application must be installed manually and user must allow installing from "unknown sources" during the installation procedure. See "Application licensing" section in the manual for various licensing options. The PRO license is tied to a specific device. If you want to transfer the license to another device or uninstall the application, it is recommended to deactivate the license first (navigate to settings menu and select "License manager -> Deactivate license"). Deactivating the license ensures that the license remains valid for future use.
Install 64-bit version (for newer devices)
Install 32-bit version (for older devices)
Application updates do not affect user data (user data remains unaltered after the update procedure).
Do not mix the Google Play and Web installations. To migrate from Google Play version to Web version (or vice versa), the GUI-O application should be uninstalled first. Note that in this case, all user data will be lost.
What's new (version 1.0.92)
updated USB serial library
improved button widget
What's new (version 1.0.91)
minor fix
What's new (version 1.0.90)
improved multi-screen widget display
improved chart widget
added custom widget scaling option
added option to retrieve display properties
What's new (version 1.0.89)
implemented widgets bounding
improved chart widget
added Polish translations
What's new (version 1.0.88)
improved image streaming for Local WiFi connection
improved chart widget
disabled image streaming for Bluetooth connection (performance issues)
What's new (version 1.0.87)
improved menus
added support for live image stream (Local and Bluetooth connection)
added new translations
What's new (version 1.0.85)
improved file writer / reader (EXTF hardware type)
added support for opening kml (Google Earth) files
What's new (version 1.0.84)
resolved an issue that caused crashes on certain devices
What's new (version 1.0.83)
removed unnecessary permissions for Android 13+
added support for new in-app products (used for personalized app)
What's new (version 1.0.81)
access to GUI-O MQTT broker is now available in PRO version only
What's new (version 1.0.80)
fixed minor data parsing issue
What's new (version 1.0.79)
updated Google Play Billing Library
What's new (version 1.0.78)
support for Android 14
What's new (version 1.0.74)
added option to report bug or issue directly from app
disabled CB widget width and height limits check
fixed some translationsÂ
What's new (version 1.0.73)
added support for German and Portuguese languages
minor fixes and improvementsÂ
What's new (version 1.0.71)
improved text and number input widgets
settings menu cleanup
general fixes and improvements
What's new (version 1.0.67)
further improved bar chart widget
fixed label widget bug
What's new (version 1.0.66)
implemented filtering of stored devices
implemented auto-scale and custom scaling for bar chart widget
What's new (version 1.0.65)
implemented polar chart widget
implemented radar chart widget
implemented linear chart widget
improved bar chart widget
added support for two new fonts
What's new (version 1.0.64)
minor UI improvements
chart widget bugfix
modified review flow
What's new (version 1.0.63)
improved menu for adding IoT devices
improved menu for adding Local devices
What's new (version 1.0.62)
increased server communication security
added persistence to IoT push notifications (MQTT QOS1 or QOS2)
What's new (version 1.0.61)
implemented custom push notifications
What's new (version 1.0.58)
minor fix to DRB widget
minor fix to CA widget
IMPORTANT: Web installation is no longer receiving updates! Please use Google Play installation instead.
What's new (version 1.0.57)
Removed banner from demo version
What's new (version 1.0.56)
Simplified devices quick connection
Simplified devices handling
UI improvements
Minor fixes
What's new (version 1.0.55)
minor bug fixes
UI improvements when adding and connecting devices
What's new (version 1.0.54)
Android 13 support
minor fixes
minor improvements
What's new (version 1.0.51)
improved CB (circular bar / dial widget)
improved SL (slider widget)
minor change to startup tutorial screen
What's new (version 1.0.49)
minor UI improvements
What's new (version 1.0.48)
improvements to in-app purchases (applicable for Google Play application only)
minor bugfix when importing custom IoT certificates
What's new (version 1.0.47)
fixed flickering issue when streaming URL images
support for importing certificates (used with custom MQTT broker)
What's new (version 1.0.46)
added support for creating GUI via custom initialization files located on the Android device
What's new (version 1.0.45)
added support for two new widget types (checkbox and radio button)
minor improvements
What's new (version 1.0.43)
improved chart auto-scaling
improved usability when adding or connecting devices
What's new (version 1.0.42)
added option to disable chart auto scaling
fixed bug when reading from file
various improvements
What's new (version 1.0.41)
improved TI (text input), NI (number input) and LB (label) widgets
added option to send unique application id in IoT connection mode
What's new (version 1.0.40)
text for NI and TI widgets can now be left, right or center aligned
fixed some minor bugs
minor visual improvements
What's new (version 1.0.39)
added option to clear home screen widgets manually
What's new (version 1.0.38)
usability improvements
general fixes
What's new (version 1.0.37)
major improvements to device connection handling
UI improvements
various fixes
What's new (version 1.0.36)
usability improvements
general fixes
What's new (version 1.0.35)
bugfixes and improvements
What's new (version 1.0.34)
support for adding new devices via home screen
support for quick connecting to devices via home screen
What's new (version 1.0.32)
general app improvements
What's new (version 1.0.31)
guided device pairing procedure improved (added step-by-step details)
added support for 2 new serial converters
What's new (version 1.0.29)
added support for 15+ serial converters
What's new (version 1.0.28)
further improved guided device pairing procedure (with ESP32, ESP8266, etc.)
What's new (version 1.0.27)
significantly improved guided device pairing procedure (with ESP32, ESP8266, etc.)
What's new (version 1.0.26)
bugfix when working with GUI builder in demo mode
minor other fixes and improvements
What's new (version 1.0.25)
app now auto-connects to known BLE services and characteristics
What's new (version 1.0.24)
improved HM-10 BLE module handling
improved USB serial connection menu
What's new (version 1.0.23)
minor edits to settings menu texts
What's new (version 1.0.22)
fixed minor bugs and improved some widgets
added additional features to developer mode
What's new (version 1.0.21)
implemented message box widget
What's new (version 1.0.20)
minor improvements and fixes
What's new (version 1.0.19)
various bugfixes
in-app billing update (Google Play variant only)
What's new (version 1.0.18)
improved image widget
What's new (version 1.0.17)
improvements and fixes
improved drop-box widget (item can now be selected via index request)
What's new (version 1.0.16)
NFC fix when targeting Android 12
What's new (version 1.0.15)
added support for reading NFC tags
improved some widgets
What's new (version 1.0.14)
minor bugfix to list-based widgets
developers can now retrieve user name set by the user
What's new (version 1.0.13)
added new property to enable / disable widget interaction
developers can now retrieve application uuid
What's new (version 1.0.12)
added support for JPEG compression of live image stream in IoT mode
minor fixes and improvements
What's new (version 1.0.11)
added support for live image stream in IoT mode (IMS widget)
improved IoT push notifications
minor fixes
What's new (version 1.0.10)
IoT notifications must now be explicitly cleared by the user
added timestamp to IoT notification receive event
added date and time to IoT notification log
What's new (version 1.0.8)
added support for multiple IoT notifications
minor fixes and improvements
What's new (version 1.0.3)
added support for IoT push notifications (see IoT push notifications section in developer manual)
minor fixes and improvements
meeting Android API level 31 requirements
Connect . Create . Control