The following examples show how to connect GUI-O application with STM32 NUCLEO-WB55 in various communication modes.

Setup STM32CubeIDE (and STM32CubeProgrammer)

The examples are based on STM32 NUCLEO-WB55 board and STM32CubeIDE. 

Note that any other board that is supported in STM32CubeIDE can also be used, but it needs to be properly configured before integrating the provided source code.

NOTE: STM32CubeProgrammer is only required for Bluetooth LE example.

Step 1: Install STM32CubeIDE

Step 2: Install STM32CubeProgrammer

STM32 NUCLEO-WB55 & GUI-O basic examples

The following examples show basic interaction between GUI-O application and STM32 NUCLEO-WB55 board in various communication modes.

STM32 NUCLEO-WB55 Bluetooth LE

Step 1: Update Firmware Upgrade Services and Bluetooth Low Energy Wireless stack

NOTE: Follow the instructions from the ST website or download them here. You can download the required firmware here.

A brief summary of the steps:

Step 2: Upload the code

NOTE: All debug messages during program execution can be observed using any serial console terminal (baud rate 115200 bps). The same USB cable is used both for programming and debug output!

Step 3: Using GUI-O application to interact with STM32 NUCLEO-WB55

NOTE: LED1 used in this example does not support PWM (LED dimming). Therefore, the example supports an additional external LED driving via pin 8 on CN7 header (connected to LED cathode) and pin 34 on CN7 header (connected to LED anode). Do not forget to use a current limiting resistor for the external LED.


IMPORTANT NOTE: The programming port on STM32 Nucleo-WB55 cannot be used for communication with GUI-O application. Therefore, an additional USB to serial converter should be used (e.g., TTL-232R-3V3). This example assumes that USB to serial converter is connected to MCU pins PA9 (Tx, which is pin 19 on CN10 header) and PA10 (Rx, which is pin 31 on CN10 header).

In order to connect STM32 Nucleo-WB55 to your Android device, a simple adapter cable is needed (as shown in the image). Also note that not all Android devices support USB OTG functionality.

USB OTG adapter connected to STM32 Nucleo WB55

Step 1: Upload the code

Step 2: Using GUI-O application to interact with STM32 NUCLEO-WB55

NOTE: LED1 used in this example does not support PWM (LED dimming). Therefore, the example supports an additional external LED driving via pin 8 on CN7 header (connected to LED cathode) and pin 34 on CN7 header (connected to LED anode). Do not forget to use a current limiting resistor for the external LED.

Connect . Create . Control

Connect . Create . Control

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